Chapter 1. ME: the story begins
Chapter 2. ME is rebranded as a psychogenic illness: chronic fatigue syndrome
Chapter 3. A confusing medley of names and definitions undermines research efforts
The Tangled Story of ME/CFS
Chapter 4. The widespread and pernicious impact of a careerist psychiatric lobby
Chapter 5. The devastating failure of the medical profession
Chapter 6. Fundamental systemic injustice
Mary Dimmock: Independent researcher and advocate
Jonathan Edwards: Emeritus Professor of Connective Tissue Medicine, UCL
George Faulkner: Independent researcher
Catherine Hale: Founder Chronic Illness Inclusion Project
Brian Hughes: Professor of Psychology, National University of Ireland, Galway
Leonard Jason: Director of Center for Community Research. Professor of Psychology. DePaul University, Chicago
Caroline Kingdon: Research Fellow, Research Nurse and UK ME/CFS Biobank Lead
Graham McPhee: Citizen Scientist
Carol Monaghan MP Member of Parliament for Glasgow North West
Dr Nina Muirhead: Director Doctors with ME, Speciality Doctor Dermatology Surgery NHS Buckinghamshire
Valerie Eliot Smith: Barrister and advocate
Dr Nigel Speight: Consultant Paediatrician. Paediatric Medical Advisor ME Association and TYMES Trust, Medical Advisor The 25% Group
Dr David Systrom: Assistant Professor of Medicine, Pulmonary and Critical Care, Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Harvard
Michael VanElzakker: Neuroscience Researcher, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Sue Waddle: Vice Chair ME Research UK