“Healthcare” – New proposed Special Issue: “ME/CFS – the Severely and Very Severely Affected” – includes our video “Severe and Very Severe ME/CFS” as the ‘Summary Video’
Guest editors for this ‘Special Issue’ are Prof Kenneth Friedman, Dr Lucinda Bateman and Prof Kenny De Meirleir https://www.mdpi.com/journal/healthcare/special_issues/me_cfs_issue
The Introduction says “Up to this point in time, all literature and case definitions of ME/CFS have excluded severely and very severely affected patients, and diagnosis, patient management, and case definitions have been based on the ambulatory ME/CFS patient. Although never formally studied, it is estimated that twenty-five percent of ME/CFS patients are either severely or very severely affected. What other disease’s diagnosis, patient care, and case definition exclude the most severely ill twenty-five percent?”
The Dialogues page for Severe & Very Severe ME/CFS will contain three videos 1. Severe and Very Severe ME/CFS, 2. Symptoms and Management of Very Severe ME/CFS 3. Hospital Admission for Severely Affected ME/CFS Patients.